10 Symptoms of Diabetes You Should Not Ignore.

Diabetes is on the rise today, especially among the younger age groups. The management and treatment of diabetes can often seem challenging. But, if we spot the symptoms early and treat it, you can lead an active life.

The symptoms of diabetes vary depending on how high the blood sugar level is. The most common symptoms are:

  • Increased thirst (getting up at night frequently to drink water).
  • Increased appetite.
  • Abnormal weight loss.
  • Abnormal weight gain.
  • Loss of sensation in hands and feet or tingling sensation
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Fruity odour in the breath
  • Presence of ketone bodies in the urine (seen in lab tests).
  • Presence of high blood sugar (evaluated by a blood test).
  • Blurred vision.


Apart from these common symptoms, people with diabetes may also experience some atypical symptoms. There is no specific order in which these symptoms appear, though some neurological and kidney symptoms are observed in long-term patients of the disease.


How is Diabetes Diagnosed?


The diagnosis of diabetes is done clinically by trained healthcare professionals (diabetologists and Internal medicine specialists) based on a detailed physical examination, recording of the patient’s medical and personal history, and then testing the blood for the disease markers.


In diabetes, two main values obtained from a blood test are clinically relevant to making a diagnosis, namely, blood sugar levels and glycated haemoglobin levels.


Blood Sugar Levels: Based on when the blood sample is taken, doctors look at different ranges to ascertain if the value is abnormal. Blood samples are usually collected with fasting, that is, before food (pre-prandial) and then 2 hours after a meal (post-prandial). At-home tests and tests done anytime are called random blood sugar tests (RBS). The blood sugar value should not be higher than 100mg/dL.


Glycated Haemoglobin Level: HbA1c is the average blood sugar levels over the last two-three months. The glycated haemoglobin value is a direct measure of how long a person has had diabetes and the severity of progression.


Based on the values observed from these blood tests, doctors prescribe the treatment methods and medicine dosages.


Do you have any of these symptoms?


Consult Senior Physicians, treat your diabetes early and lead an active life. Call Diha Clinic at +91-80565 80565 or click here Diha Clinic | Consultation


Or walk into Diha Clinic, No. 6, 6th Main Road, Nanganallur (Opposite Indian Bank). Monday to Saturday (8 am to 8 pm).


Read All About Diabetes, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment (hyperlink bold text to Diabetes – diha (dihaclinic.org))